Reply To: Some notes on Dara Marks' Transformational Arc

About Forums Den of Writers Blogs Some notes on Dara Marks' Transformational Arc Reply To: Some notes on Dara Marks' Transformational Arc


Lots of interesting stuff here. I’ve never been much of a planner, and am inherently sceptical of the idea of story structure as something fixed and immutable for many of the reasons Libby raises. As structures go, however, I like this one more than most as it’s fixed to the inner life of the main character rather than something that risks being external and imposed on the character. It also allows more obviously for differences in outcome – although I disagree here somewhat about the note on the ‘tragic character’. I think it is sufficient to suggest that the tragic character fails, not to specify the nature of the failure. For example, the MC in my WIP does indeed realise the need for change at the transformational moment – and the consequences of that are disastrous. The world, after all, does not necessarily respond to our internal changes. Or it might respond in unexpected ways.