
  • Athelstone posted an update 2 years, 2 months ago

    OK. There are a few changes to look out for. The new Main Menu is obvious, as is the new presentation of messages on the Activity Page. To be honest, I prefer the old appearance, but this version has the advantage of not suffering from the “missing posts” bug. On forums, you now have access to the “Visual Editor” as well as the old “Text (HTML) Editor”. You can toggle between the two as you prefer (and even do clever HTML stuff if you must). What else? Oh, you can like stuff. What you did before is beyond me. There’s CHAT. Gosh. The link is in the Main Menu – have a look. I may also add a link to the side-bar (over there —> ) so you can get to it from any page where that shows. There’s a new Beta Reading group. In fact there may be other little tweaks. Have a look. Tell me about any bugs or problems you meet.

    • Looking good! Seems easier to log in now too

      • There has always been a login button for WordPress, top left, that many folks don’t spot. It goes when you’re logged in and you get a tiny profile picture top left, where you can log out. The extra login widget that was located on the sidebar is quite nice, because it replicates that functionality, but a bit bolder. Unfortunately, it doesn’t quite integrate with the Captcha security thing, and assumes you made an error in logging-in, even when you didn’t. Some users were even getting locked out if they’d been in and out of the site a few times, because of too many “failed logins”.

        • Yes, I had the same recently. Does the WP login work if you have a WP site? My generic WP login is different to this one

          • I don’t think the sites are linked in any way. Every WP site will have its own unique user lists and passwords. Obviously you can set the same name and password for different sites if you want. I have a userid and password. No idea what the password is as it’s years since I used it, but I’m certain it wouldn’t work here.

          • On the other hand, I think that WordPress (.com) tries, with varying success, to track what sites are created based on WordPress, and what known userids visit them.

    • Exciting! Thank you so so much, Ath.