
  • Seagreen replied to the topic Monthly comp – June 2023 in the forum Monthly Competition 10 months, 2 weeks ago

    I knew from the minute I started reading these that judging would be a tricky business…

    Thanks all for entering! I love that you each took a perfectly mundane experience – like sitting in traffic – and gave me a fabulous peek into the headspace of your characters.

    Ath, straight in there with your character reference of the man in the siler GT. The voice was so authentic, I could easily imagine being a passenger in your car and having this conversation with you. And you know what? I have him pegged with a latent talent in sculpting.

    Janette, good to have you back and demonstrating that (seemingly) effortless way you pull together family dynamics. Thought-provoking change of pace at the end and I had to Google the hand signal you described to clarify the meaning.

    Libby, this scene played out so beautifully in my mind – like a short film with the two elderly occupants driving off into the sunset (sandwiched between two big lorries). Really, though, you had me with the Noddy car.

    Alex, I wasn’t entirely sure what was happening here but loved the exchange between the taxi driver and his passenger.

    Sandra, the cheek of that Judy! Glad to see she got what was coming to her in typical, no-nonsense, style.

    As expected, any one of these could win but, on this occasion, I’m going with Libby because the journey of the young elderly in the Noddy car keeps popping into my head.