Reorganization And Declutteration (have I created a new word)

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    Barely six weeks in to another year and I am wondering what task should I tackle next?
    The Christmas tree is gone the limited decorations I possess and are packed away .The few yuletide cards received are now repurposed into gift tags for the next festive season and thank you messages are all written or texted. Holey moley I’ve even written my gift list for next year , but it’s not the kind writing I should be doing.
    Retirement has been gently encouraging me to have a de-clutter, so I’ve rolled up my sleeves and taken the plunge: Wardrobe sorted, craft room de-stashed and tidied and lastly, writing space sorted and reorganized.
    A few times over the past couple of days I stopped to leaf through a hardback or uncurl the cover of a badly stacked paperback then spent the next half hour or so dipping in and out of favourite chapters. In the couple (and I’m being conservative here) of piles of paperwork dotted about the room I’ve rediscovered some forgotten treasures penned through the years that will now be transferred onto the very thoughtful Xmas gift of a 1TB external HD storage.
    I’ve found three ideas notebooks, created a stack of poetry and sorted seven WIP that are in need of varying amounts of re-planning, editing and most definitely completing. These too will be transferred to HD storage. This brings me neatly back to which I should tackle next (or rather first).

    Made a to do list – oh yeah im a list girl, or nothing gets done – and after I’ve written this little piece I will start with the short snippets and work up to the larger stuff. Cross my toes and eyebrows, honestly, I will.
    And in case you’re wondering I’ve engaged the services of a Dark Summoner, a Pixie detective and an S.A.S operative to help me get through this.

    PS – does anyone know where I can find a Troll tea-lady cos I think I may need one of those!
    PPS – I fibbed – I’m starting with the most in need WIP as it kinda called out to me to finish it .
    PPPS – wish me luck and if anyone has any spare ‘stop-dragging–yer-heels’ dust I’ll take a pinch of that too.


    Oh yes, prevaricating about the bush as Wallace refers to it. I do a great deal of that. Top tip. Every so often, copy the contents of that 1TB hard drive somewhere else as well. Whether that’s the Cloud (Dropbox, One Drive, Google Drive, Apple iCloud and so on) or another sleek 1TB hard drive. The day may come when your adorable cat decides the drive doesn’t belong on the desk, and you discover that it isn’t as shockproof as the manufacturer suggests.

    In any case, in my eighth year of retirement and still haven’t managed any substantial decluttering. It all sounds far too organised for me!


    By the way, ” I’ve even written my gift list for next year”. I believe this is actually against the law.


    @ Terrie – I second Ath’s recommendation for hard drives: the one my thoughtful elder son bought for me, having listened to my moans, scrambled its contents when my laptop blew several gaskets.

    – “gift lists for next year” not illegal, they masquerade as Amazon wish lists, ready to be re-written for handing to my local bookshop.


    Every year I aim to be organised (see Terrie above) and pick presents well in advance. The practice is different. I may not be quite as bad as the proverbial desparate man, the evening before, in the petrol station shop, but I’m cutting it close.


    Have to confess I avoid much of that for Steve, by ordering and collecting the books I want and handing them over for him to ‘hide’ (recognising he is doubly challenged by my having a birthday five days before Christmas.)

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