John S Alty

  • (This may well be missing the point)

    The language of flowers not always sweet

    Only after finding, (months later)  photographs other than the ones taken by fourteen-year-old schoolgirl Kally Logan that caused all the trouble did Luke Darbyshere register flowers had twice been fleetingly present on his wedding day. Much of the time he’d been su…[Read more]

  • Plant-Song

    Nepenthes, the watcher, teaches us to listen for murmurs along the grapevine because the scent of those words is strong and always carry seeds of the truth. They whisper tales of creation that began beneath woody crowns of ancient cycad trees and of cerebral vines, trailing and probing in thickly netted curls upon the loamy earth.

    The…[Read more]

  • Libby replied to the topic Monthly Comp April 2024 in the forum Monthly Competition 2 weeks ago

    Thank you, Seagreen, for the competition. Great, enticing stories from Ath, Sandra and Terrie. I enjoyed them all.

  • Sea, thank you for the useful challenge, especially because it helped me formulate my character as well as sparking such a brilliant range of responses; I wouldn’t’ve liked to choose a winner.

  • April showers bring May flowers. they say. But when is a flower a flower and when is it a weed? Anything floral in less than 501 words.

  • Seagreen, thanks so much. A brilliant prompt for April. Thanks also to my co-authors. There were some great pieces of writing.

  • I love to plan. That’s why nothing ever gets written.

  • Honestly, I’m sorry this has taken me so long…

    All the entries left me wishing I’d given you more words to play with since each of them teased with hidden depths.

    Ath – so easy to read (as ever!) Engaging, apparently effortless writing, but so many questions! Who was this man? Where did he come from and where would he end up?  More importan…[Read more]

  • Sorry! I haven’t forgotten, just waiting for a break in the clouds.
    If I don’t have time tonight, then results will definitely be posted tomorrow when I’m off.
    Thank you for your patience.

  • To be fare, sometimes I don’t know the ending – or the story.

  • Stephen King, Ath? He’s said that he never knows what’s going to happen when he starts a novel, and he’s published nearly seventy of them.

    Your method (if we can grace it with that name), Ath, sounds very much like mine: a rough idea of the story arc and the ending, and not much more. The nearest I ever got to planning was to write out the rather…[Read more]

  • I like the bugs analogy, Terrie.

    Roughly I do something like this: I plan, though not in great detail – usually the ending and a couple of things along the way. When I start writing the plan doesn’t seem to work so I alter the order of events or cut events. After a bit I give up with the plan and hope the writing will suggest what I need to do…[Read more]

  • I’ve written three full length novels and two shorter ones, plus numerous short stories. I’ve never been able to bring any planning tools to bear on the process, either widely advocated or self-invented. Yes, it is extraordinarily difficult and a constant worry as the story progresses, since I am an inveterate seat-of-the-pants writer. Yes, I…[Read more]

  • It’s a while since the 1980s


    And why come back? Why, exactly, limp along these corridors after decades, and stop to look at dormitory doors and classroom doors all shut for the summer holiday. There’s no one else in this building – a giant bungalow with many arms – except the senior school secretary who has shown me old records and left me…[Read more]

  • I might just be burbling on to more practised and organised storytellers but thought I’d share this little part of my writing experiences.

    In my teens, when I first began to tinker with the idea that I could be a writer, I simply let whatever came into my head trickle out from beneath my fingers. Sometimes it made sense sometimes it didn’t. The…[Read more]

  • @sandradavies, yes indeed – transfer of information. The number of times I’ve come across a note I’ve scrawled down when all that’s left is an incomprehensible collection of words and a vague memory of myself thinking that I must find a way of using this brilliant insight. the very embodiment of having all the nuance but none of the original…[Read more]

  • Athelstone posted an update 3 weeks, 2 days ago

    Oddity Corner: accustom, verb, make someone or something accept (something) as normal. The other day, in my writing group, somebody came up with the phrase, “…as my eyes accustomed to the darkness.”

    It immediately struck me as an odd phrase, but I was in a minority of one. I suppose my reaction is because I’m used to seeing accustomed as part…[Read more]

    • I don’t think it has a problem though it perhaps sounds old fashioned, which could be the intention. In a contemporary story I’d be more likely to say, ‘As my eyes adapted to …’.

      • But I think there could be a grammar question in there, Ath. This is where I show my uncertainties about active v passive but accustomed on its own is active. In a compound with an auxiliary verb it’s more passive I think. ‘My eyes became accustomed.’ The OED says, ‘In passive use sometimes approaching the stative adjective; cf. accustomed adj.’

        • My eyes opened to darkness.
          My eyes were opened to darkness.

          • In which ‘opened to darkness’ is adjectival. Sometimes you want a straightforward active verb and sometimes you don’t.

            • I’ll stay sitting on this fence 🙂
              And I’ll chuck in a quote. ‘The ear is not accustomed to exercise constantly its functions of hearing, it is accustomed to stillness.’
              J. Ruskin, Modern Painters vol. I. 60
              Lucky Ruskin.

    • It’s definitely not intended to be old-fashioned. A twisty modern tale.
      The nearest support I have found to my position when searching the internet, is the statement that “accustomed to usually comes after linking verbs such as be, become, get, and grow”.
      I suspect that part of the issue is that, as the OED suggests, there is an adjectival…[Read more]

      • I wondered if the transitive quality of accustomed was playing a part but couldn’t get my head round whether it was or not. This is where my thin knowledge of grammar fails me. I’m also easily lost when having to consider how one word can fulfil different grammatical functions which might overlap.
        With accustomed, maybe it comes down to how an…[Read more]

        • In the end, voice is probably the most important thing. If the character or narrator would use a linking verb, there should be one included.

          • I think that’s what bothered me the most. It’s far away from a commonplace way of speaking. I’ve had quite a few conversations over the last three score years and (well not quite) ten, and read a fair bit, and I’m pretty certain that this is the first time I’ve seen “accustomed” used in this way.

    • Why I’m wasting my time puzzling and researching this, I don’t know. Actually I do. I’m about to start editing and at the same time I’m at a difficult point in the rewrite of a short story that’s insisting on growing towards novella length. In other words, prevarication.
      Anyway, I think I have it:
      1) Accustom is a transitive verb. It requires an…[Read more]

      • No good asking me about grammar, so I can’t give a reason for it but while I had no hiccup over “My eyes accustomed to the darkness” I mentally inserted ‘themselves’ after accustomed.

        • Which is to supply an object to the verb and make it grammatically correct.

          • Libby replied 3 weeks ago

            Thank you for sorting this out, Ath. It has made me think more carefully about verbs 🙂

    • I think the importance for writers is that we need to demonstrate that we can follow the generally accepted grammatical conventions so that our work is publishable. There’s an awful lot of correct grammar that simply reflects how the posh mates of C19th lexicographers spoke and wrote and sets out that other ways are wrong.

      • More often than not , i find if something you write or read stops you from moving forward then it probably could benefit from revision. depending on the surrounding context of the piece i would have probably written something like … As my eyes adjusted I negotiated the dark shadows with growing ease.

        • Late to this, but maybe I’ll make up for that by the pungency of my comments. Even before your careful explanation six posts back, that phrase just sounded plain wrong to me, like a bum note in music. Just because you were in a minority of one doesn’t mean the others were right. To extend the musical analogy, it’s as if you’d been in a group of…[Read more]

        • @purplewitch absolutely. I don’t think it will be an issue because the writer in question is quite sharp. Anyway, if it gets to the point where a 3rd party is giving it a professional read, it isn’t going to last.

          @richardb yep, that analogy is about right. In this instance I wouldn’t say the author has cloth ears (although the others might, I…[Read more]

          • Adding a bit of nonsense to the conversation –

            To write a pithy sentence and not use well-worn phrases
            Comes with all the thinking and headache that it raises.
            So, me, I play with words and, using inconsistent skill,
            I hammer, pull, and twist them and bend them to my will.
            I make them mine – reformed, unique, and, sometimes packed with w…[Read more]

  • “Transfer of information” is where I stumble. I’ve several notebooks but rarely  there when I need them, so a handy piece of paper does the trick. I then blutack it to the shelf above my monitor from which, within days usually, it drop, onto the paper chaos that is my working space. then promptly disappears. Bigger problem is organising  those n…[Read more]

  • Coordination: that’s exactly it. I can’t get coordinated with notebooks. I have one on my desk and it travels to my bedside table and back again. I admire people who use notebooks when they’re out – they seem more intuitive and open than I am. I think their minds flow more smoothly. They’re even Romantic with a capital R, with all the creativity…[Read more]

  • I have tried for years to get into the habit of using notebooks. Success has been limited. Yes, I can write and I know how to write in a notebook. I also know how to carry things, especially in pockets. I certainly have thoughts that I think, ‘Ooh, that would be good in a story’. If only I could get, carrying the notebook and writing in the…[Read more]

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